My favorite room in my house is my daughter's. Last year we decided to give it a major facelift. It used to be painted blue and green and had a bug collage. Needless to say it needed a feminine touch. I decided to let my daughter pick the color, of course she went for pink. We eliminated a closet to create more space. Instead of a closet she has an armoire to hang her abundant amount of dresses (we will have to rebuild the closet when we move so it can be considered a bedroom). On one wall we hung pink toile wallpaper. Underneath that wall is her antique wrought iron bed. She has simple white bedding with a quilt her grandmother made her. My husband actually found her dresser in someone's trash pile, go figure. He scrubbed it clean a refinished it.
I love to sit in her room and play dolls with her! It is a happy, beautiful space. If only she loved her room as much and sleep in it all night long.
Is that the dresser/mirror that fell over that one time?