Monday, July 13, 2009

Found Treasures

Recently my husband started bringing home old glass jars and milk bottles from work.  He is currently  working in Downtown Bethesda, Maryland on a renovation project.  Upon watching an excavator dig up the job-site, he noticed glass bottles in the dirt.  My husband is an avid junk collector.  It used to drive me nuts!  Over the years I have come to appreciate the treasures he brings home.  Like my father, he loves to explore abandoned houses or visit estate sales.  He mainly is in search of old tools, but being the good husband that he is, brings me items that he know will look great in our home.  
I must say, I am in love with the bottles he is bringing home!  I look forward to new ones everyday.  The history behind the bottles is intriguing.  For example, he recently brought home a milk bottle that is from an old dairy farm in Washington, D.C.  How long has it been since there was any sort of farm in Washington?   

Sadly, concrete will be poured and the bottles will stop making their way to my house.  Until then, I will await for what my husband brings home to add to my collection!

1 comment:

  1. I love old bottles too. I look for them on the banks of the Chesapeake Bay.
